Saturday, April 14, 2012

Aliens Ate My Setlist - The Difference Between KO And OK [2012]

Genre: Post Hardcore
Quality: 320Kbps
Website: Facebook

01.The Difference Between KO And OK


  1. Hey Yuda.. I sort of just stumbled upon this while looking for some new old sounds for my ipod. I just wanted to say for posting all this stuff as I saw no one else had taken the time to do so. I do a bit of blogging myself so I know all this shit doesn't just magically form itself into a functioning blog. I downloaded several things, and would have kept going probably if not for the horrid news that your mediafire account was deleted, major bummer.. I'm sorry for your loss :(
    Anyway, thanks again.
    -Amber @OKAYBONES

  2. The word "thanks" or "thank you" escaped me entirely in my previous comment, which was the whole point to begin with. Thanks, Yuda !
